Prom and Senior Prank
Alright so this is gonna be my first and hopefully only blog post in English. I'm doing it both to show off how incredible and amazing my English is now ( :D ) and because my computer had a hard drive crash and this one only has a keyboard without the oh so important three extra letters in our beautiful language. I find it extremely annoying so i'm just gonna do this in english! And btw, if i have any grammar mistakes, it's because i'm an American now, they suck at their own language.
Sooooo, after that i can continue with apologizing for not bloging that continously, but it is so freaking boring though, i mean i really don't understand how people can run a blog for fun!
Sooooo, after that i can continue with apologizing for not bloging that continously, but it is so freaking boring though, i mean i really don't understand how people can run a blog for fun!
Since my last blog post i've done a lot of stuff including been and watched the minority leader in congress, the former speker of the house (third in line to be president) as she was coming to Cleveland, for a lunch/speech/interview. It was very interesting.

Me and John afterwards.

Ohh and one of the funniest things this whole year happened a couple of weeks ago. THE SENIOR PRANK! It's a tradition that the seniors (the graduating class) will do some sort of prank before they leave the school, like filling cups with water and putting them so they cover the floor in the hallways would be a classic.
We made our prank memorable because we made the news haha. We started off with spray painting the windows in the front and like TPing the trees and stuff which was harmless and not bad at all. But then a janitor unlocked the door into the school (which they on the news got to student breaking in) and people went and they released mice and crickets which made the principle and the board go insane the day after. We were supposed to have a senior assembly, when they gather all the students in the gym, and have like a send off, a goodbye to the seniors. It got cancelled. Too bad so sad i thought but the prank was fun though. Some went too far though which caused the news to come and the board to go crazy but overall it was fun.

Fun picture, seniors 2013, some of us haha.

So funny that it got on the news, it wasn't THAT bad, they made it sound like we've blown up the school or something!
Another fun thing that happened was that I went to the midnight premier of Iron Man 3, and when i saw the size of the pop I just had to buy it, it was 54 oz, a litre is 64oz i think. CRAZY. It was actually bigger than my head.

And then off to the American Dream pt 1. PROM. I got invited to another schools prom, my prom is in 2 weeks.
It started off with me and my hostdad going to my date, Kaitlynn's, house and take pictures. Then we went off to one of her friends house where like 20 of us met up to take pictures again. Prom is huge for them.
Then we went to the school to get bussed to the place of the dinner, Windows on the River. It was really nice with an aquarium downstairs where we started off with mingle, drinks and some food. It was fun and kinda cool.
Then we went to the school to get bussed to the place of the dinner, Windows on the River. It was really nice with an aquarium downstairs where we started off with mingle, drinks and some food. It was fun and kinda cool.

Kaitlynn puts on my boutteneire.

Me and Kaitlynn!
After that it was dinner time. Unfortunatly it was 22 people in our group, but there was only 10 people around every table, which lead to one odd couple. It got to be me and Kaitlynn so we sat at a table where we knew no one and everyone was kinda boring so dinner wasn't too fun, bu oh well, it was only for like 2 hours. Then it was dancing until like 11 before it was over at that place. After that we had "after prom" which is organized by the school with fun stuff to do, We went to the buses again after we'd changed and set course toward "fun n stuff'" a place where they had roller blades, laser tag and go carts to use. The only problem was that our bus driver had no idea how to get there, so when we're surrounded by wilderness, completely lost and there;s a sign saying "road closed", i wondered if we were gonna get there. Eventually we got there like an hour late though and stayed til like 3 and then it was on the buses to go back to the school again.
After that everyone was free to go wherever they wanted to go so for me it was movie time and i came back to my house at around 7. Fun night and now i can't wait for my own prom!

How the dinner place was set up.

Me and my only Brush (my school) friend at this prom, Kevin.
And now i;m done with school too, officially summer vacation tomorrow after the last final i have. I've now had 2 finals the last 2 days, english final went well while math final went horrible. Tomorrow is government and then i'm out. Both happy and sad.

So that was it i think, now i got my prom May 24th and everything around that, then graduation June 4th and then my family is coming June 24th, in only 41 days! CRAZY. And then i'm coming home July 18th and with me i'm taking my friend Kevin (not the one in the pic above) who's gonna come to Sweden for 11 days. So excited for that!
Yeah, that was basically my last month and the basics of my summer plans!
Njut av skivorna nu allihopa, jag ar ju lagom avundsjuk, men som ni kan se har jag det ganska bra ocksa :)
Njut av skivorna nu allihopa, jag ar ju lagom avundsjuk, men som ni kan se har jag det ganska bra ocksa :)